Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!

It's 2013, y'all!  A fresh new year with 365 days of possibilities...well a little late start.  Anyhoo- one of my resolutions this year is to *try* and blog 2-3x a week.  I"ll wait while my 3 readers catch their breath and wait for their heartbeat to slow down.  It's exciting news, I know...let's see if I can do it.  I'm sure I don't have to tell you that homeschooling 2 kids while keeping up with an almost 2 year old boy takes up much of my time.  But this is fun- I enjoy it, and it's something that's good for me.  Plus it allows me to chronicle all the fun stuff I'm working on while also keeping a journal of what the kiddos are up to.  I'd also like to work on my photography skillz (is the "z" still a thing?  Was it ever a "thing"?)  I have this fancy camera (to me anyways) and I treat it like a point and shoot...if that's all I'm going to use it for then I should just get a point and shoot (although they certainly don't look as cool...)  So this year, I resolve to be the BEST at EVERYTHING I maybe not...let's try again- this year I resolve to try new things (regular blogging, learning more about photography) and improve on the things I'm already doing (wife/mother/friend/teacher extraordinaire, etsy store.)  Here's to a great 2013!  That is all- over and out...